Month: April 2022


What’s the sweet spot for a self-evaluation? First, what’s your goal as an employee in a self-evaluation? Let’s separate out idealism from reality first off. Of course it would be nice if a self-evaluation were a chance for you to honestly reflect on your work for the past year, be proud of your achievements and …


It took two years of pandemic-induced reduced face-to-face contact before I experienced something extroverts apparently find completely ordinary: the feeling of being recharged after a social interaction. For the first time in my life, I understood how it might feel to be powered primarily by interaction with others. I found the experience of comprehending another …

project 40

I had to get over myself to do this project: I mentally picture stepping over myself, who is lying down in the way, waving her arms and objecting feebly, “But what if no one reads it? What if I run out of ideas after three weeks?” What would I say to anyone else asking me …

Side effects

Today would have been my brother-in-law’s birthday. Over dinner a couple of days ago, my wife told me about an automated message she had received. “It’s almost Lothar’s birthday! Do you want help planning a party?” She had tears in her eyes. Think about all the people who had a hand in creating this feature. …

Performance review

Horse, it’s been another anniversary of the date we met each other, and that seems like a good time for a performance review. I am aware that you don’t care very much what I think about you, except for the part where I give you carrots, but I hope you will consider my words carefully. …