
Coffee points

Stop using story points and estimating purely based on complexity. Start using coffee points instead. Those working in an agile environment traditionally use story points to estimate the complexity of a task, which is then used to figure out roughly how many stories will fit in a sprint. Evangelists of this method say that estimating …


I had to get up at a time with a six in front of it this morning. I realize I am very lucky to be able to organize my time such that I can usually sleep until the seven hits, but I do not find this humane. At least this world has coffee in it. …

project 40

I had to get over myself to do this project: I mentally picture stepping over myself, who is lying down in the way, waving her arms and objecting feebly, “But what if no one reads it? What if I run out of ideas after three weeks?” What would I say to anyone else asking me …

Performance review

Horse, it’s been another anniversary of the date we met each other, and that seems like a good time for a performance review. I am aware that you don’t care very much what I think about you, except for the part where I give you carrots, but I hope you will consider my words carefully. …

Bacon Ipsum

You know what, every blog needs a first post. Before I spend half an hour trying to decide what to post first, I’m just going to load us up with some bacon ipsum. Yum. Bacon ipsum dolor amet tongue kevin ground round meatloaf sirloin. Bresaola shoulder andouille drumstick salami short ribs prosciutto jerky fatback alcatra …